- Finish discipleship with Piedra Angular Church
- Exploration Trip with Trinity Church
- Creekside church to Hermosillo
- Mexico City Training and Acapulco
- 2 Medical Mission 1. South to Basconcobe 2. to Hermosillo
- Women conference in the Fall
- Pastors Celebration
- Develop 2 RAVAH Regional Representatives (RRR) – Ramon, Obed
- RRR will meet or talk with Director
- Will have 5 more churches been trained 2-2-1: 2 in Hermosillo, 2 in Mexico City, 1 in Basconcobe
- Recruit 4 New Work Teams
- Have 4 conferences: Men’s, Women’s, Marriage, Youth
- Will have 3 medical teams: 2 Dental in Hermosillo, 1 Medical in Basconcobe
- Attend 2 enrichment conference or seminars
- Fund raising event in the fall
- Develop new Relationships with churches in the USA
- Find a New area for discipleship
- Have a Pastors retreat
- Pastors celebration
- Board praying and planning retreat
- Each Regional RR will have 2 new training Centers
- Continue to explore new areas for training
- 6 work Teams
- 4 Medical Teams
- Each staff member will have an apprentice or intern
- Each staff member will attend enrichment seminars
- Have a leadership youth camp
- 4 conferences
- Visit and recruit more Churches in the USA
- 4 conferences
- 2 Fund raiser events in the USA
- Pastors celebration